Cannabis growers want their plants to thrive. The goal is to cultivate soil that gives your cannabis plants a home where they can not only survive but thrive. It’s about creating an environment where the best weed is grown.

That’s where living soil comes in.

Organic cannabis growers are discovering that living soil and the science of geoponics is one of the best ways to efficiently grow the best cannabis plants. It has thousands of years, evolution, and the power of nature to back it up.

Here’s what living soil can do for cannabis plants and how anyone can cultivate living soil for organic weed.

What is Living Soil?

Living soil is exactly what it sounds like: alive. Cannabis that’s been grown in living soil benefits from living microbes and other elements that develop naturally (or with a little help) in soil. Living soil develops based on the soil’s relationship with the plants growing in it.

How Does Living Soil Form?

Simply put, organic soil is soil that has not been altered with chemicals, and none of the natural, living components have been taken out.

Also called “no-till” soil, living soil is created from a symbiotic exchange between the soil and the plants. The exchange of components such as carbon and sugar helps microorganisms to form in the soil over time. 

As the soil’s natural components interact with the genetic and chemical makeup of the plant over many growth cycles, the structure of the soil changes to better allow the plant to thrive. It’s a cooperative and reciprocal process that allows both living elements to flourish.

After time, the soil becomes perfectly tailored for the plant that’s living in its’ dirty depths.

What’s In Living Soil?

Soil, while it may appear to be lifeless and still, is teeming with microorganisms and life.

Living soil is alive because of the organic and living components found within. Living soil contains a complex cocktail of many different nutrients. The exact makeup of the soil depends on the plant strain, the environment, and what natural ingredients have been added by growers. 

Typically, living soil contains a variety of fungi, bacteria, insects, microscopic animals, and protozoa. Soil also absorbs elements such as oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon as it interacts with the plants. 

The job of the microorganisms in the soil is to help break down organic matter. The organic matter from the plants enters the soil, turning into nutrients, and thus creating a cycle of life, sometimes known as the “food web”.

The microorganisms, living elements, and natural components found in living soil are what can eventually empower your cannabis plants to live their best lives and grow to their full potential. It’s powerful stuff!

What Is Geoponics?

Cannabis producers have historically relied on chemical-heavy growing methods to cultivate cannabis plants. As demands increase, the use of hydroponics, aeroponics and soil-less systems for growing cannabis has become popular for mass-producing growers. 

Now, the benefits associated with growing via geoponics are becoming more well known, and growers are taking note.

Here’s a quick breakdown of the different growing methods for cannabis farmers.

  • Hydroponics – No soil is needed for growth. Plant roots are grown in water, and chemicals and artificial lighting may be used to induce faster growth.
  • Aeroponics – A type of hydroponics where plants are grown in a misty environment without the use of soil. Water and liquid nutrients are used for efficient growth.
  • Geoponics – The natural benefits of the soil system are used. The soil and plant work together with the nutrients and components that naturally form based on this symbiotic relationship.

A cannabis bud in living soil showing all the nutrients in living soil.

Who Uses Living Soil?

Given the range of benefits, living soil for cannabis growing is becoming a prevalent option for farmers. Especially organic growers are keen on using living soil given its efficient growing potential without the use of harsh chemicals or pesticides.

Along with organic weed farmers, living soil is also a popular option for smaller grow ops, craft cannabis companies, and even at-home and amateur growers.

The History of Living Soil and Geoponics

Growing plants with living soil is a method that has been around for a long time. It’s a natural relationship as old as the Earth itself. Contrary to what many mass-producing growers, farmers, and consumers understand about the world today, things actually grow better when we work in tandem with nature rather than fighting against it.

Living soil is a complex scientific method – but at the same time, it’s a simple way of letting plants do their thing. Cannabis plants (and any living thing) will thrive when given the environment in which to grow as nature intended.

The Benefits of Living Soil for Weed

Using living soil for growing cannabis can help the plants reach new levels of quality and growth. Living soil allows the relationship between the plant and its environment to be symbiotic in a way that benefits the plants, the growers, and, eventually, the consumers.

Here are some of the many benefits of growing cannabis plants in living soil.

  • Established living soil requires less time for maintenance of the soil nutrients as it develops naturally.
  • Living soil contains naturally developed nutrients and bacteria that growing plants need.
  • Over time, living soil develops natural pest resistance, reducing (or eliminating completely) the need for pesticides and harmful chemicals.
  • Living soil plants require less time on the maintenance of soil for growers.
  • Geoponics can have lower costs over time when compared to the price of hydroponic growing.
  • Compared to regular soil, living soil is cleaner. The soil used in mass-producing farms can have non-biological additives such as processed wood chips.

Another big bonus for eco-conscious consumers is that living soil for growing weed is a lot more Earth-friendly!

Living soil is also the ideal environment for cultivating organic cannabis plants. Organic strains and organic craft cannabis are a sought-after product amid the green rush in the cannabis industry. And as far as the plant goes, the more organic plants and the fewer chemicals, the better.

The Effects of Living Soil Weed

Living soil doesn’t only have benefits for growers and the environment. It’s also a good choice for consumers looking for organic and high-quality cannabis products.

Weed made in living soil has the potential to have a higher potency. Because of the quality and care put into the cultivation and harvesting of plants, you can expect better quality products. Living soil cannabis plants are also known to carry higher content levels of both CBD and THC – whichever type of strain you’re looking for.

In addition to potency, cannabis plants raised in living soil environments may also exhibit a stronger or more distinct flavour and aroma profile – raising the bar on your cannabis consuming experience. 

And, of course, for consumers who are conscious about what they consume in terms of chemicals and natural ingredients, living soil plants are the way to go. It’s the best way to be sure that you’re avoiding toxins, pesticides, and harsh chemicals used in traditional grow op methods.

How to Make Living Soil

For DIY growers, it’s possible to make living soil at home for your personal cannabis plants. As we know, living soil develops naturally over time. However, it’s also possible to speed along the process and give it a head start for homegrown plants.

Cultivating living soil requires a recipe that can be tweaked and adjusted over time to work for you and your plants’ needs.

To make living soil at home, there are a variety of different ingredients you can add to the soil. Start with organic topsoil and sphagnum peat moss as a base. You can then mix in components such as biochar, neem seed meal, worm castings, buckwheat hulls, kelp meal, and more. 

Don’t forget about the feminized cannabis plant seeds.

After a couple of growth cycles, let the soil take over. After some time, the soil will become relatively low maintenance. Nature knows what to do! 

You will, of course, have to manage the watering techniques of your soil and plants. Root management is also critical – since root health is what determines the quality and quantity of cannabinoids and terpenes in the plant.

Living Soil Weed Online: Buy The Best Organic Weed Strains and Products

Want to see what all the talk is about? Cannabis grown in living soil has a range of benefits and effects you’ll love. These days, most growers are open and transparent about their production methods, so it’s always easy to know which of your favourite strains and buds are organic.

Here are some great products to try:

Final Thoughts on Living Soil Weed 

Growing organic cannabis is a science – but one that most people can learn with time, practice, research, and patience. Oh, and a little trial and error. 

Ordering weed in Canada is easy now with online dispensaries and fast delivery. XpressGrass offers a variety of organic and quality craft cannabis buds and strains to choose from – as well as concentrates, oils, and CBD products. If you do want to try growing at home, however, living soil is a smart choice.

Living soil holds benefits for growers, consumers, and the plant itself. It’s also a positive option for environmental impact. 

Living soil requires a little more time and care to get going – but once the soil and plants start working together, it’s all natural! Choosing organic cannabis and living soil weed is like shopping in the organic aisle of the grocery store – it’s better!

Whole Grow – What is Living Soil? 

Modern Farmer – Aeroponics 

A Greener World – Living Soil