Table of Contents

  • Understanding PTSD and its Symptoms 
  • The MECE Framework: A Systematic Approach
  • Best Cannabis Strains for PTSD 
  • Additional Considerations for Choosing Strains 
  • Conclusion

Living with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be an overwhelming and isolating experience, often characterized by anxiety, hypervigilance, and haunting memories. As individuals seek solace and relief, exploring alternative treatments becomes essential. Enter cannabis, a natural remedy that holds promise in alleviating symptoms and restoring tranquillity. In this blog, we dive deep into the world of cannabis and its potential to help those with PTSD find a path toward healing. Join us as we uncover the science behind cannabis, delve into the therapeutic properties of different strains, and unveil the best strains for PTSD that may offer a glimmer of hope in the journey from anxiety to tranquillity.

Understanding PTSD and its Symptoms

PTSD is a psychiatric disorder that can develop following exposure to a traumatic event such as combat, sexual assault, natural disasters, or serious accidents. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, approximately 7-8% of people in the United States will experience PTSD at some point.

The symptoms of PTSD can be diverse and disruptive, manifesting in various ways. Individuals with PTSD may experience intrusive memories or flashbacks of the traumatic event, causing them to relive distressing moments involuntarily. Additionally, they may grapple with heightened anxiety, constantly feeling on edge and easily startled even in non-threatening situations. Sleep disturbances, including insomnia and nightmares, are also prevalent among those with PTSD.

To manage these symptoms effectively, individuals require reliable coping mechanisms. This is where cannabis strains enter the picture as a potential avenue for relief. Cannabis has been recognized for its therapeutic potential, particularly in alleviating symptoms such as anxiety and insomnia. By incorporating carefully selected strains into a comprehensive treatment plan, individuals with PTSD may experience an improvement in their quality of life and reduce symptom severity.

The MECE Framework: A Systematic Approach

The MECE framework provides a systematic and structured approach to evaluating and selecting cannabis strains tailored to the needs of individuals with PTSD. MECE stands for Mutually Exclusive, Collectively Exhaustive, indicating the goal of encompassing all possible options while avoiding biases or incomplete assessments.

When applying the MECE framework to the selection of cannabis strains for PTSD, several factors should be considered. First and foremost, assessing the characteristics of different strains is essential. Factors such as THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol) content, terpene profiles, and overall potency can significantly impact the effects of cannabis on symptom management.

Next, understanding individual preferences and sensitivities is crucial. Some individuals may respond better to certain strains or prefer specific consumption methods like vaping or edibles. Considering these personal preferences can enhance the likelihood of finding the most suitable strain for each individual’s unique needs.

By utilizing the MECE framework and considering strain characteristics, cannabinoid profiles, and individual preferences, individuals with PTSD can make informed decisions when selecting cannabis strains. This approach minimizes the risk of relying on trial and error or biased recommendations, increasing the chances of finding strains that effectively alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life.

Young man in a suit with a pen in his hand drawing a strategic plan in front of him.

Best Cannabis Strains for PTSD 

1. Polynesian Thin Mint (Cream Of The Crop)

Polynesian Thin Mint (Cream Of The Crop) is a tremendous strain that provides a therapeutic remedy for individuals seeking relief from PTSD symptoms. With its unique THC content ranging from 25-27%, this Indica-dominant flower showcases the perfect balance of flavours with hints of pine, floral, sweet, and conifer. The captivating aroma and blissful effects make Polynesian Thin Mint a top choice for those seeking the best strains for PTSD.


  • Powerful calming effects for stress relief
  • Effective in mitigating chronic pain
  • Uplifting and mood-enhancing properties
  • Captivating aroma with delightful flavour profiles
  • It provides deep relaxation and tranquillity


  • High THC content may be overwhelming for inexperienced users
  • Indica-dominant effects may induce drowsiness


  • Strain: Polynesian Thin Mint
  • Type: Indica Dominant
  • THC Content: 25-27%
  • Flavours/Aromas: Pine, Floral, Sweet, Conifer
  • Effects: Calm, Body-Stone, Soothing, Uplifted
  • Medical Uses: Stress, Chronic Pain, Depression

Polynesian thin mint available at XpressGrass.

2. Purple Blueberry (Cream Of The Crop)

Looking for the best strains for PTSD? Look no further than Purple Blueberry (Cream Of The Crop). This sativa-dominant gem is a true standout for delivering therapeutic benefits. With THC levels ranging from 19-21%, it offers a delightful combination of flavours and aromas, including notes of berry, grape, spicy, and sweet.


  • Effective in managing nausea, migraines, and depression
  • Stimulates creativity and uplifts mood
  • A delightful combination of berry, grape, spicy, and sweet flavours
  • Enhances focus and relaxation


  • Sativa-dominant effects may be too energizing for some users
  • THC levels may be strong for beginners


  • Strain: Purple Blueberry
  • Type: Sativa Dominant
  • THC Content: 19-21%
  • Flavours/Aromas: Berry, Grape, Spicy, Sweet
  • Effects: Cerebral, Creative, Hungry, Relaxing
  • Medical Uses: Nausea, Migraines, Depression

Purple blueberry strain available at XpressGrass.

3. Sugar Bomb Punch (Cream Of The Crop)

Say hello to fantastic sleep security and farewell to chronic pain and depression with Sugar Bomb Punch. This strain is a top contender among the best strains for PTSD, offering a delightful flavour experience and therapeutic benefits. As an Indica-dominant strain, it delivers the perfect balance between euphoria and relaxation, making it ideal for individuals seeking relief from PTSD symptoms. With THC levels ranging from 17-19%, this strain offers a delightful blend of citrus, grape, herbal, and skunky flavours that will tantalize your taste buds.


  • Delightful citrus, grape, herbal, and skunky flavours
  • Perfect balance between euphoria and relaxation
  • Effective in managing chronic pain and depression
  • It enhances sleep quality and provides a sense of security


  • Indica-dominant effects may induce drowsiness in some individuals
  • THC levels may be strong for inexperienced users


  • Strain: Sugar Bomb Punch
  • Type: Indica Dominant
  • THC Content: 17-19%
  • Flavours: Citrus, Grape, Herbal, Skunky
  • Effects: Euphoria, Relaxation
  • Medical Uses: Chronic Pain, Depression, Sleep

Sugar Bomb Punch Strain available at Xpressgrass.

4. 33 Splitter (Skookum)

If you’re searching for the best strains for PTSD, look no further than 33 Splitter. This rare and sought-after hybrid offers a remarkable combination of potency and flavour. Its lineage and reputation make it a must-try for cannabis connoisseurs. With THC levels reaching 25% and CBG at 0.5%, this strain delivers both a unique flavour profile and high potency. Its lineage, stemming from Gelato 33 and Atom Splitter, ensures a top-tier product that stands out.


  • A rare and unique hybrid strain
  • Potent THC levels for enhanced effects
  • Remarkable flavour profile
  • Highly sought-after and popular in California


  • Limited availability in Canada
  • High potency may not be suitable for novice users


  • Strain: 33 Splitter
  • Type: Hybrid
  • THC Content: 25%
  • CBG Content: 0.5%

5. Lime Drop (Cream Of The Crop)

This sativa-dominant strain offers an energizing and uplifting experience that can make your day brighter. With its delightful citrus, lemon, and lime flavours, Lime Drop provides a unique high that will leave you grinning from ear to ear. It’s the perfect choice when you need an extra boost or feel down. Plus, a 5% CBD content offers additional therapeutic benefits. Get ready to soar with Lime Drop and experience the joy, energy, and creativity it brings.


  • Energizing and uplifting effects
  • Delicious citrus flavour profile
  • CBD content for added therapeutic benefits


  • Moderate THC levels may not be suitable for users seeking higher potency


  • Strain: Lime Drop
  • Type: Sativa
  • THC Content: 16-18%

Lime Drop strain available at XpressGrass.

Additional Considerations for Choosing Strains

When selecting cannabis strains to manage PTSD symptoms, it’s important to consider additional factors that can influence the overall experience and effectiveness. Beyond the therapeutic properties of the strains, individual preferences play a crucial role in finding the right fit.

One consideration is the aroma and taste of the strains. Some individuals may prefer certain flavours or scents that can enhance their enjoyment and overall satisfaction. For example, strains with fruity or citrus notes might appeal more to some individuals, while others may prefer earthy or herbal undertones. Considering these preferences can contribute to a more pleasant and personalized experience.

CBD-to-THC ratios also hold significance in managing PTSD symptoms. CBD (cannabidiol) is known for its potential therapeutic effects, such as reducing anxiety and promoting relaxation, while THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is responsible for the psychoactive properties of cannabis. Strains with higher CBD and lower THC levels may be preferred by individuals who want to minimize psychoactive effects while still reaping the potential benefits of cannabis.

It’s important to note that consulting with medical professionals or knowledgeable budtenders is highly recommended. These experts can provide personalized advice based on an individual’s specific needs, medical history, and desired outcomes. They can guide strain selection, dosing, and potential interactions with other medications. Their expertise can significantly enhance the effectiveness and safety of cannabis use for managing PTSD symptoms.


In conclusion, the use of cannabis strains has emerged as a potential remedy for managing PTSD symptoms. By carefully selecting strains using the MECE framework and considering individual preferences, characteristics of strains, and cannabinoid profiles, individuals with PTSD can increase their chances of finding strains that effectively alleviate their symptoms and improve their quality of life.

It’s crucial to understand that each person’s experience with PTSD is unique, and what works for one individual may not work for another. Therefore, it is essential to take an analytical approach and consider multiple factors when choosing cannabis strains. This includes not only the therapeutic properties of the strains but also individual preferences such as aroma, taste, and method of consumption.


How can I improve my PTSD?

To improve PTSD, it is recommended to seek professional help from a therapist specializing in trauma. Therapy options such as cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) have shown effectiveness in treating PTSD. 

How do you calm a PTSD episode?

During a PTSD episode, finding a calm and safe environment is crucial. Practice grounding techniques by focusing on your senses and surroundings. Deep breathing exercises can help regulate your breathing and bring a sense of calm. Engage in activities that promote relaxation, such as listening to soothing music, practising mindfulness, or engaging in hobbies that bring you joy and comfort.

What is the best strain for nightmares?

When seeking strains to alleviate nightmares associated with PTSD, Indica-dominant strains are often recommended for their calming and sedating effects. Some popular strains known for their potential benefits in managing nightmares include Afghan Kush, Granddaddy Purple, and Northern Lights.